The Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Policy Support) (OUSD-P) identified a requirement to develop a course to train DoD personnel working in all aspects of the international security arena. OUSD(P) designated the Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management (DISAM) as the organization to oversee the administration and support of a Department of Defense curriculum supporting instruction of an International Programs Security course for DoD government and contractor professionals. The course requirements include instructional materials and knowledgeable instructors to support training in all aspects of International Security and DoD technology transfer to include aspects of National Disclosure Policy, the National Security Policy Act, the Arms Export Control Act, and the Export Administration Act. Avanco was chosen to provide the instructional support for DISAM.
Avanco provided knowledgeable personnel who possessed the required breadth of experience to help solve DISAM's task of presenting International Programs Security Requirements courses of various lengths at various locations to a wide-range of audiences. Avanco provided International Security and Policy experts that possessed an unparalleled breadth of practical experience to present International Programs Security Requirements training for DISAM throughout the country and overseas. Classes were tailored to various lengths for a wide-range of audiences. Avanco's training solution included:
A five-day International Programs Security Requirements Course
A two-day International Programs Security Requirements Course
A standard three-day International Programs Security Requirements Course to consolidate the five day and two day courses
Course Maintenance and Updates
Additional Training Support
Studies, Analyses and Recommendations
This course is designed for individuals who are action officers, analysts dealing with international security programs, contracting officers, and contractor personnel and is tailored to the specific audience (i.e. intelligence, security assistance, technology transfer, treaty negotiations). The course is fully accredited, offering college-level accreditation for those that take the full course.
The U.S. Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (DCSPER) and its included Information Technology (IT) organizations has been the cornerstone of technical support and funding for the Army’s Human Resources management automation architecture development, implementation, management, and improvement. Under the direction and guidance of the DCSPER, subordinate Personnel command Information Technology (IT) organizations are charged with the implementation, maintenance and operation of the full range of Army information technology (IT) automated processing systems (AIPS) and their associated programs.
The requirement of this project is to provide required IT and communications resources to support in excess of 450 Army personnel community AIPSs and the interfaces between the AISs it supports and those of other major Army AISs. Avanco provides Oracle database administration, software installation and administration support, software development, and Data Warehousing design and development.

Air Force Air Combat Command (ACC) Headquarters
ACC is the primary provider of air combat forces to America's unified combatant commands. As a force provider, ACC organizes, trains, equips and maintains combat-ready forces for rapid deployment and employment while ensuring strategic air defense forces are prepared for the challenges of peacetime air sovereignty and wartime defense. Avanco conducted a study for ACC to determine the best way to integrate new technology and GeoBase software capabilities in day-do-day operations of the Security Forces Control Center. Avanco studied existing business processes, utilized industry best practices to offer recommendations to operationalize GeoBase applications throughout the Command, and developed a phased approach to implement new technologies.
Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (AFCEE)
The Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence is a field operating agency of the Air Force Civil Engineers. AFCEE has undertaken an effort to modernize its Information Technology systems and transform the organization to support their current and future operational vision entitled, Vision Quest 2011. Our business analysts gathered requirements and developed appropriate work packages to submit to the Air Force CIO to support implementation of the full operational vision. Avanco worked closely with AFCEE executives and individuals inside the AF CIO office to fully understand expectations from both the Air Force and Office of Management and Budget. We conducted on-site meetings to gather and validate financial, business process and current technology information so that an accurate Concept of Operations document could be developed to explain a new concept of operations.
United States Army Corps of Engineers
Avanco supports the full range of IT life cycle development and maintenance activities for the Army Corps of Engineers enterprise Logistics functions, financial and management systems to include the Corps of Engineers Financial Management System (CEFMS), the USACE Project Management Systems (P2). and a range of local District support systems. Avanco analysts develop design specifications and software using Army life cycle methodologies and standards, including DoD-STD-7935A, MIL-STD-498, Engineer Regulation, ER 5-1-11, and USACE Project Management Business Process guidlines. Avanco uses a RAD development approach encompassing business area analysis, and AS-IS and TO-BE data analysis, database design and normalization. We provide DBA support, web-based forms and reports development, end-user documentation, training, and help desk support. All development is in a distributed Sun SPARC environment using Oracle, ORACLE tools including Forms, Reports, and Oracle Discoverer, SQL*Net, TCP/IP in a fully secure environment, and COTS packages.